Friday, 29 June 2012

Education in Today’s World

There was a time when education used to be the medium of merely imparting education among the students and most of the schools were government owned. People were less inclined towards education and more towards business. We can still see the same trend in small villages today. But the time has changed a lot since then because of good rise in number of schools today. Moreover at one side the society is benefited a lot from it, on the other side it has become a business for many educational institutes.

Today literacy rate of India is increasing but at the other end the colleges are charging good amount of money for the same. The quality of education is deteriorating day by day because students are unable to differentiate between a good and a bad college due to promotional measures adopted by every institute today. At one end there is college with excellent infrastructure facilities and highly experienced teaching staff on the other there are colleges in a single building running without any affiliation from universities.

The basic idea is to impart quality education keeping check on the mal practices. Government has already taken few initiatives for the same. Still, being a responsible citizen of the country we need to actively participate implementing these measure efficiently and effectively. Let’s hope to make our country with a 100% literacy rate some day.


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