Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Prepare Yourself for the Perfect Interview

How should you act in an interview? Yes, the gruesome interview which decides your future for setting into a right company. No matter how many times you have been interviewed, the next interview always causes some trepidation. Such an event is really a "sales pitch," the product is yourself, and you may almost feel as if you are on trial as the interviewer "cross-examines" you about your suitability for the job.

There is something that you should remember while you are sitting and going for an interview. Study the points to brush up your skills.

-    Remember to do your homework. Gathering information about a potential employer is actually very essential in preparing for a successful job interview. Find out all that you can about the company's image, history, and plans for the future in order to make the experience more effective and interactive. Visit the organization's website on the Internet, and do some other research online as well.

-    Be on time for your appointment and dress appropriately. Arrive 10 or 15 minutes ahead of time, bring a list of your references and extra copies of your resume, and try to establish rapport with the interviewer, especially by making eye contact.

-    Rehearse for your interview as if it were a dress rehearsal. Prepare relevant questions, practice with a family member or friend, and videotape or record the session. When you replay the mock interview, you can evaluate your performance and fine-tune your responses so that the real thing will be truly effective.

-    As the interview progresses, make every effort to remain calm, and ask for clarification, if and when you need it, in order to determine if you really want the job. Also, do not respond so hastily to the interviewer's questions that your answers seem incomplete or not well thought out.

-    At the end, reaffirm your interest in the job, thank the interviewer for seeing you, and follow up later with a personal note to restate both sentiments.

If you brush on these points, it would be very easy for you to crack the interview.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Brush Up on Your Leadership Skills

If you are seeking out a job, there are many attributes of your personality that will be noticed by the employers who are taking your interview. One of such attributes is Leadership. So if you are sitting for a job interview, it’s very important that you brush up on your leadership skills during your college time so that it reflects during your career.

Let us go through the three famous trends that one must have to become a leader and lead other people for more productivity. The two trends are:

Technology adaptation - maybe you are a reluctant late adapter to social media, perhaps you have resisted the new tech updates, or you may be struggling to work with a leader or classmate who is not up to speed on the technology needed to do their jobs. Wherever you are in your technology adaptation we cannot deny or ignore the fact that technology is continuing to shift the way we do business, how we do our jobs and how we work together.

Innovation - Leaders and companies who are innovators have the highest amount of creativity, energy and desire to learn and grow. Innovation means putting things together in ways that haven't been thought of before. Google goggles is a great example of putting together goggles with blue tooth and being able to interact with your smart phone through your goggles. This innovation makes it easy to update social media, connect with people, and get directions, share experiences and more.

So when you start working on these trends you come in a position to win your leadership skills that would help you to win a favorable position in your career.